好歌赏析 ---- 听、唱英语歌的过程中,练习听、讲英文口语能力。
《双子座视角 》的后台老师们,一直推动着,以听唱,英语歌曲,作为一个提升英语水平的学习方法。因为学习一种语言,必须要有一个语言环境,能让你长时间浸淫其中;而本栏目就是一个完全不受时空限制的平台,让你在任何时间、场地都可以进行练习:走在路上、在交通车上、在淋浴时、弄饭时等,都可以听歌和跟着唱 --- 这就是一个学习、练习语言最好的环境!!经过长时间的浸淫后,在听和讲的能力上都会有提升。然后在听到一首
惟达 《双子座视角》
好歌赏析 ---- 听、唱英语歌的过程中,练习听、讲英文口语能力。
《双子座视角 》的后台老师们,一直推动着,以听唱,英语歌曲,作为一个提升英语水平的学习方法。因为学习一种语言,必须要有一个语言环境,能让你长时间浸淫其中;而本栏目就是一个完全不受时空限制的平台,让你在任何时间、场地都可以进行练习:走在路上、在交通车上、在淋浴时、弄饭时等,都可以听歌和跟着唱 --- 这就是一个学习、练习语言最好的环境!!经过长时间的浸淫后,在听和讲的能力上都会有提升。然后在听到一首新英文歌时,很自然也就能听明白歌词的内容。
美国乡村音乐歌手 Dickey Lee 在1976年灌录了这首“9,999,999 Tears 九百九十九万九千九百九十九 滴眼泪”,这是 Lee 第三张也是最后一张个人单歌唱片特辑。这首歌曾经登上北美洲最热门乡村音乐第三位。
这首歌的歌词,就是说一个男生,原本有1,000 万滴眼泪,因为女朋友忽然变心,找了一个新男友,而流了第一滴眼泪,所以还有玖佰多万滴眼泪;但男生在很伤心的时候,还很天真地说“I don't know if I'll be over you. 我不知道我(的眼泪)是否会超过你。”呵!呵!
9,999,999 Tears 九百九十九万九千九百九十九 滴眼泪 --- Dickey Lee
歌词:9,999,999 Tears 九百九十九万九千九百九十九 滴眼泪
(1) Got nine million, nine hundred ninety nine thousand (2), nine hundred ninety nine tears to go (3).
还有九百九十九万九千九百九十九滴眼泪。And then I don't know if I'll be over you.
The sun didn't shine this morning.
今天早上太阳没有照耀。It's been raining the whole day through (4).
已经下着了一整天雨。Suddenly without warning, you found somebody new that's when the first tear came falling from my eyes.
突然毫无预警地,你找到了某一个新的人,那是当时来的第一滴泪,从我眼中落下。I'm beginning to feel the pain, seeing nothing but cloudy skies.
Got nine million, nine hundred ninety nine thousand, nine hundred ninety nine tears to go.
还有九百九十九万九千九百九十九滴眼泪。And then I don't know if I'll be over you.
Will I be over you?
You're (5) out tonight with your new love.
你今晚与你的新爱(新欢)出去了。I'm far, far from your mind, trying to get over (6) you, love, could take a whole lifetime.
我是离你的心很远,在试图摆脱(忘记)你,爱人,可能要花一生时间。I can't believe you could want anybody else.
我真不敢相信你可能想要另外一个人。So no one could take my place, at least that's what I keep telling myself as the tears fall down my face.
Got nine million, nine hundred ninety nine thousand, nine hundred ninety nine tears to go.
还有九百九十九万九千九百九十九滴眼泪。And then I don't know if I'll be over you.
Will I be over you?
Got nine million, nine hundred ninety nine thousand, nine hundred ninety nine tears to go.
还有九百九十九万九千九百九十九滴眼泪。Got nine million, nine hundred ninety nine thousand, nine hundred ninety nine tears to go.
And then I don't know if I'll be over you.
Got nine million, nine hundred ninety nine thousand, nine hundred ninety nine tears to go.
还有九百九十九万九千九百九十九滴眼泪。Got nine million, nine hundred ninety nine thousand, nine hundred ninety nine tears to go.
学习点 Learning Points:
1. 在这里应该加个主位 “Subject” 会使得句子完整一点,这个主位是“I 我”。
2.用英语数数目,与用中文数数目的单位不同,这是我们学英语时需要了解的思维。在中文数目有:个位、十位、佰位、千位、万位;然后就是佰万、千万、一个亿。全部都是十进的,所以数起来很方便、很容易理解。但是在英语只有 “百位、千位数”,而没有 “万位数” 和 “亿位数” 的;在千位数后,只有佰万(Million)和十亿(Billion)。所以数万位数就要说“Ten thousand = 十个壹千 = 壹万”;“One hundred thousand = 一百个壹千 = 十万”如此类推。所以九十九万九千就要说九百九十九千 nine hundred ninety nine thousand。这也是英语思维的一个例子;所以如果不习惯时,脑子会转不过来啊!
3. Got …… to go = 还有….跟着。歌者总共有“一千万”滴眼泪,落下了第一滴后,跟着后面还有 9,999,999 滴。如果只是单独用“ to go”在国外可以理解为“外卖、外带”的意思;快餐厅的服务员会问你:“Here or to go? = 内用还是外带?”
4. The whole day (through) = all the day,这是修辞的一种,为配合歌曲的音节。
5. “You’re”唱得比较轻,需要留意才可以听出来。
6. Get over --- 摆脱、放下、忘记,的意思。
9,999,999 Tears----Dickey LeeI got nine million,nine hundred
ninety nine thousand,
nine hundred ninety nine
tears to go
And then I dont know
If Ill be over you
The sun didnt shine
this morning
Its been raining
the whole day through
Suddenly without warning,
you found somebody new
Thats when the first tear came
falling from my eyes
Im beginning to feel the pain,
seeing nothing
But cloudy skies
I got nine million,nine hundred
ninety nine thousand,
nine hundred ninety nine
tears to go
And then I dont know
If Ill be over you
will I be over you
Youre out tonight
with your new love
Im far,far from your mind,
tryinto get over you
Love could take
a whole lifetime
I cant believe you
could want anybody else
So no one could take my place
At least thats what I keep
telling myself
As the tears fall down my face
I got nine million,nine hundred
ninety nine thousand,
nine hundred ninety nine
tears to go
And then I dont know
If Ill be over you
will I be over you
I got nine million,nine hundred
ninety nine thousand,
nine hundred ninety nine
tears to go
I got nine million,nine hundred
ninety nine thousand,
nine hundred ninety nine
tears to go
And then I dont know
If Ill be over you
I got nine million ,nine hundred
ninety nine thousand,
nine hundred ninety nine
tears to go
I got nine million,nine hundred
ninety nine thousand,
nine hundred ninety nine
tears to go......
99,999,999ninety-nine million
nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand
nine hundred and ninety-nine