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Basis of judgement
#01 Judging Nationality
The Nationality Act is the primary basis for the determination of nationality and the main provisions dealing with the determination of nationality are:

Basis of judgement


#01 Judging Nationality


The Nationality Act is the primary basis for the determination of nationality and the main provisions dealing with the determination of nationality are:


Article 3 The People's Republic of China does not recognize Chinese citizens as having dual nationality.

第三条 中华人民共和国不承认中国公民具有双重国籍。

Article 4: Both or one of the parents is a Chinese citizen who was born in China and has Chinese nationality.

第四条 父母双方或一方为中国公民,本人出生在中国,具有中国国籍。

Article 5 Where both or one of the parents is a Chinese citizen and the person is born in a foreign country, he or she has Chinese nationality; however, if both or one of the parents is a Chinese citizen and settled in a foreign country, and the person has foreign nationality at birth, he or she does not have Chinese nationality.

第五条 父母双方或一方为中国公民,本人出生在外国,具有中国国籍;但父母双方或一方为中国公民并定居在外国,本人出生时即具有外国国籍的,不具有中国国籍。

#02 Documents that meet the requirements


(i) Those with Chinese nationality should apply for a Chinese passport or travel permit.


(b) Those who have Chinese nationality will no longer have Chinese nationality if they meet the conditions of automatic loss of Chinese nationality as stipulated in Article 9 of the Nationality Law, and will be required to apply for a Chinese visa with a foreign passport when travelling to China. After entry, those who wish to stay in China for a long period of time may apply for a Chinese Green Card.


(iii) Those who do not hold Chinese nationality must apply for a Chinese visa with a foreign passport when travelling to China. After entry, those who wish to stay in China for a long period of time may apply for a Chinese Green Card.


Benefits of getting a China Green Card


1. Document validity, longer for Chinese Green Cards


The Chinese Travel Permit is normally valid for two years and will need to be replaced when it expires.


The Chinese Green Card is generally valid for 5 or 10 years. Foreigners under the age of 18 who are approved for permanent residence in China are issued with a validity period of 5 years; foreigners over the age of 18 who are approved for permanent residence in China are issued with a validity period of 10 years, renewable upon expiry.


2. The Chinese Green Card will not expire when the baby becomes an adult


The China Travel Permit will not be issued indefinitely and the Chinese government will no longer issue it to the child when he or she reaches the age of majority, when the child will need to choose his or her nationality.


Chinese Green Card: The permanent residence card status of a child who has reached the age of 18 does not expire and can be renewed at the immigration department before the expiry of the card. It is useful for children to join Chinese nationality after the age of 18.


3. As an admission document, in some areas the travel permit cannot be used as an identity card


When a child is applying for admission to a school for foreign children, for example, Chaoyang District requires students to be of school age with a foreign passport and an entry visa to the People's Republic of China, and whose actual place of residence is in Chaoyang District (with proof of home ownership, real estate, etc.).


Although the child applies for a Chinese Green Card, the child's foreign nationality remains intact and the child still holds a foreign passport. A child with a Chinese Green Card can be enrolled in a public school in their place of residence for compulsory education and enjoy the treatment of a local resident. The education administration of their place of residence will handle the admission and transfer procedures in accordance with the principle of admission in the nearest school, without charging fees other than those stipulated by the state.


4. Green Card holders can register for Chinese college entrance examinations


All provinces require a Chinese green card for foreign nationals to apply for the entrance exam, while some provinces require high school attendance in the province.


However, a travel permit cannot be used as proof of identity to register for the GCE.


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